Nudge: Looking For More Responses To Workplace Digital Signage Survey (Takes Minutes!)
April 16, 2021 by Dave Haynes
I am looking for more responses to the workplace digital signage survey I pushed out earlier in the week, which is gathering insights about how the tech fits in workplaces that are, or will soon be, repopulating.
The survey is just a Google form and you should be able to bomb through it in a matter of minutes. You can be quoted, if you wish, or submit your thoughts anonymously. Some industry folks have already, kindly, chipped in with their thoughts, but I need more to develop meaningful insights.
The form is here:
If you can give me five minutes with the form, it would be much appreciated. As I noted the other day, workplace has developed into one of the most active vertical markets for digital signage technology, with screens provided an obvious and relatively easy solution for workforces that don’t open company-wide emails or click their way through to an intranet site.
It’s particularly valuable in companies that have few other means of reaching out to and informing staff on everything from HR policies to current sales and production numbers.
As workplaces start to re-populate, there are lots of questions about how they’ll look and operate, particularly if a percentage of workforces that were sent home during COVID continue to work remotely, part-time or full-time.
These new hybrid and flexible workplace scenarios have a cascading effect on operations – with screens that will be needed to manage and guide staffers through new arrangements like on-the-fly workstation assignments.
There have been lots of reports done in recent months about the broad concept of what workplaces will be like when COVID (please!) burns out, but nothing that I’ve seen going into detail about what that means for digital signage. So I am working on another special report, focused on this area.
The LED Special Report that came out in January 2021 proved really popular, with more than 900 downloads so far of the free 50+ page PDF. This workplace report is targeted to come out in the next 8-10 weeks, and it will also be a free, no-strings download.
That LED report was hugely boosted by the points of view of industry people, based on a survey I did. So I am doing that again here. If you have observations about digital signage in the workplace, I’d like to read and aggregate them.
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