Using Video To Get Your Message Out
March 26, 2014 by Dave Haynes
This is a visual medium, so I have regularly harped away about how few companies use video to market their products, services or successes.
There’s some really good stuff out here and there, but it can cost a bunch of money to produce, and budget fears probably stop a lot of video ideas in their tracks. But it doesn’t have to play that way.
You can grab a decent camera, stabilize it, and shoot and edit a piece of video that won’t win awards but does the job nicely. I’m not talking about the rAVe Pubs vignettes that aren’t more than elevator pitches. But longer form ones that get into it a bit. Signagelive does some decent stuff and has a YouTube channel.
A contact at ComQi sent me a link to a video here that I think does a nice, simple job of walking potential customers through some new features. Shot on the floor of the NRF show in NYC, this wouldn’t have cost much more than the investment of time and if you know Stu Armstrong, getting him to talk for a few minutes is not a challenge ;-]
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