Will There Be A Sixteen:Nine Digital Signage Industry Mixer At ISE? Yup!
August 26, 2024 by Dave Haynes
With summer winding down (sigh), the emails are starting to come in from people thinking well ahead, asking me if there will be a mixer at ISE in Barcelona.
Yes, there will be, though it will likely be mid-December or maybe even January before I do registration. It sells out in a snap, so no rush there.
It will be at the same venue as the last two years and run ahead of the global Digital Signage Awards event upstairs in the same park pavilion. The set-up is mixer first, followed by dinner for those who buy tickets/tables separately for that event. If you go to the dinner, you automatically get access to the mixer. If you are not going to the dinner, you’ll need to register for a mixer ticket. Those tickets are free but they go very quickly.
One good piece of news is that we’ve opened up another 40 or so tickets by arranging to use the outdoor plaza, adding heaters and awnings if weather warrants their use. We’ve had some high-top tables out there the last couple of years, and it’s very nice for people like me from northern climes – milling around outdoors, knowing it is white and quite possibly butt-ugly cold back home. Just about all the snow we got around my place last winter came down when I was in Spain and Portugal, which was delightful.
I already have most of the sponsors back from the 2024 event, but have TWO remaining sponsor slots left for the event. So if you would like to have your company involved, shoot me an email and I will relay sponsor information. Sponsors are critical in covering venue, food, drinks and other costs, and I always try to take very good care of event backers with love online and at the venue. This is still kinda rare, but we make a point of using display and kiosk technology for sponsor recognition and experience. I know … how crazy is that!?!?
The mixer and the awards will again be on the eve of ISE, on Feb. 3rd at the Esferic Events Center.
I’ve mentioned this a few times, but just to reinforce, I am not doing a mixer for DSE. To do a mixer in Las Vegas on the Sunday night, I’d have to travel on the Saturday, so I’d be on the ground there to pull things together that day. Leaving Saturday means skipping my grandson’s birthday party. Not happening, sorry. I believe XUSC (Bryan Meszaros) is doing an event.
Still noodling whether I fly Sunday to attend, as except for the COVID era, I think I have been to every DSE since 2005, and it is always good to see my industry friends.
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