Registration Now Live For The Sixteen:Nine Mixer In Barcelona, Jan. 29th
December 12, 2023 by Dave Haynes
Registration for the 2024 Sixteen:Nine Digital Signage Industry Mixer in Barcelona is now live. There are just roughly 180 tickets available (the venue capacity is limited) so you will want to act fast.
Here are the details you will find on the registration page …
Join us for the ISE 2024 SIXTEEN:NINE DIGITAL SIGNAGE MIXER on Mon. Jan 29th at 6 pm in stunning Barcelona. This in-person event brings together the top people in the European and global digital signage ecosystem, offering a chance to establish new business ties and renew old industry friendships.The ISE 2024 SIXTEEN:NINE DIGITAL SIGNAGE MIXER will take place at Plaça de Dante, in a park pavilion up on a hillside overlooking the city, but still centrally located.
The formal address is:
- Esdeveniments Esferic Barcelona
- Plaça de Dante, 08038 Barcelona, Spain
- GPS: 41.368806, 2.165012
- Closest street address (across street) – Avinguda Miramar, 31, 08038 Barcelona, Spain
The event will run for two hours, immediately before the global Digital Signage Awards, an annual dinner event that will run on the upper-level of the same building. The two events are affiliated, but ticketed separately. The mixer will double as a pre-dinner cocktail party for those awards, but to go upstairs for that event, you’ll need to register here.
SIXTEEN:NINE networking mixers have been a central part of digital signage events for more than a decade, beginning with DSE in 2009 but then adding on ISE and, most recently, InfoComm. Mixers routinely sell out, as the most important and influential people in the industry are drawn to fun, low-key events that genuinely allow for mixing and mingling.
We keep the sound down and offer up enough space for people to chat without yelling, to have deeper conversations. In the case of this beautiful Barcelona venue, we’ll have room to mingle both inside and outside on a plaza (weather permitting).
There are drinks and yummy served tapas. We start the event early enough that people can spend some time here, and still get on to the awards upstairs, or business dinners, homework, or the next event on a busy social schedule.
Here’s a video shot at the 2023 event that captures the atmosphere and energy!
Attendance is capped and we ALWAYS sell out, so click the registration button and ensure you can be part of the experience!
The annual mixer happens because of the terrific support of sponsors, who cover off the costs of the venue, drinks, food and all the other things needed and done to pull this off each year.
Our 2024 Sponsors …
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