Are You Getting New Post Emails
October 27, 2023 by Dave Haynes
A reader let me know that he and his colleagues have not been getting the email notifications about new Sixteen:Nine posts, which go out with each post. I did not know this was happening, and am not sure why.
I use WordPress as a CMS, and all kinds of things can go haywire with plugins and server settings, so something may well be wrong. I looked and everything appears as it should be, but as they say, appearances can be deceiving.
I didn’t notice them stopping, but then again I write the things, so I’m not paying much if any attention to these emails!
So, can you let me know if your emailed posts have also stopped? About 1,500 readers get the emails, so it’s something I’d like to sort out.
The last daily digest I received by email was October 27th
Same since Nov. 8th. None came in since 🙁
took a while bit sorted out now … WordPress plugin conflict!