Dancers Pop Out From Busy Concourse’s Wall In This Visual Illusion Campaign In NYC

October 17, 2023 by Dave Haynes

Hat Tip to my buddy Paul Fleuranges for passing this along

Broadcaster ABC booked a campaign across 22 screens in the Oculus retail and transport hub, which is in the World Trade Center complex in New York, to market the latest season and iteration of Dancing With The Stars.

Property operator Unibail-Rodamco-Westfield U.S. (URW) used its in-house Media & Experiential team to generate anamorphic illusion creative that does a pretty good job of suggesting show hosts Alphonso Ribeiro and Julianne Hough are dancing up a storm on that extra-long video wall along one of the mall/hub’s main walkways. The short-term campaign ended on October 8th, so you can’t just go over and see it if you are in NYC.

Part of the visual trick here is making the background of the big ribbon display take on the appearance of the marble (I think) walls of the concourse, so that the dancers look like they are right there.

This post from OOH Today has a video you can watch.

  1. Tim Ault says:

    The creativity with digital continues to amaze us all!

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