Video Lecture: How Social Media Amplifies Visual Trickery Run On Real DOOH LED Screens

September 7, 2023 by Dave Haynes

My friends and content partners at the German firm invidis have started pushing videos from the excellent digital signage summit it ran in Munich at the start of July – including this one that features a couple of senior people from the UK-based media owner Ocean Outdoor, talking about the organic  relationship between digital out-of-home and social media.

I was at that session, interested in hearing more about the idea that the recent wave of visual trickery on big digital ad boards – call it anamorphic illusions or forced perspective 3D – is more about social media amplification than it is about the people physically in viewing range of the screens.

This video of the presentation features Catherine Morgan, Managing Director of Ocean Labs, which has its own forced perspective technology called deepscreen, and Pia Petersen, Managing Director at Ocean Outdoor Denmark. 

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