The First InfoComm Digital Signage Mixer Went Off Well!
June 14, 2023 by Dave Haynes
The first InfoComm Digital Signage Networking Mixer is done and dusted.
As usual, I have only a marginal sense of what went on. I know there was food, because I saw people with plates. But I never got near the buffet or whatever was done. Too many people to see and meet, and too many conversations, to do mission-critical things like eat!
There was a Sixteen:Nine signature drink, which I somehow did manage to find, and gargle. It had tequila. I just had one.
A good crowd found its way over to Vu Orlando, the film and TV production studio that doubles up as an events facility in off-hours, and when the vast 155-foot curved LED wall is not in use by a crew. AVIXA registered 400+, but as happens with just about all live and free events, a percentage didn’t turn up. I dunno what the final headcount was, but there were lotsa digital signage people.
The big LED “volume” and the custom creative developed for it went over very well. It was a very different spin from “normal” mixers run in bars and clubs. LED as building design surfaces is coming, and this was a good working demo of the possible, both in the canvas and the creative.
A big thank you to AVIXA for taking the lead on this event and providing the staff and other resources to make it happen. The trade association wants to build up its affinity with the digital signage ecosystem, and these kinds of events are a great way to put people together.
I had some people asking why some of my posts in the run-up to the event were stressing the AVIXA connection, and I explained that normally I take on 99% of the planning and execution myself. But this one was pulled together, with my input, by the AVIXA team … so it was always going to be a bit different. The AVIXA people were terrific partners on this, and we learned a lot about how we can tag-team this sort of thing in the future.
Thanks, as well, to the sponsors – LG, Seneca and Nanolumens, and the content creators – Render Impact, Strinko Visual Design and Jim Nista. Render shot video, so I hope to have footage I can put up here soon.
If you see Nista on Wednesday, and think he looks a little beat up, that was thanks to uneven pavement in the venue parking lot. He’s fine.
And thank you, of course, to old and new industry friends who came! Last year’s InfoComm was run with COVID still very much in the conversation, so it was great to see people and have a “normal” event once again.
Next mixer for me is December in Vegas, for DSE, then ISE in Barcelona a few weeks later. The sponsor discussions have already started on those, so let me know. Those are events I do on my own.
If you are in Orlando, see you on the floor tomorrow!
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