India Seeing Big Digital Signage Growth Because Of Messaging Compliance Needs: Scala MD

September 7, 2022 by Dave Haynes

Surprisingly little news or PR gets to me about the digital signage business in India, given the size of that country and overall region, and the amount of growth happening.

So this Linkedin post and embedded video (but not embedded enough to also embed here!) from the India business unit of Scala, and by extension STRATACACHE, is kind of interesting. Manish Kumar, the managing director of the company in that region, does a stand-up interview at the Scala booth at InfoComm India this week.

It’s interesting because he explains why India was behind the west in adoption of that technology, and why the pandemic experience has changed a lot of that and really accelerated adoption and growth. It has a lot, says Kumar, to do with compliance requirements – which I’ll interpret in retail terms as the need to have accurate information up in a timely manner … or the old “right message, right time, right place” thing.

InfoComm India wrapped up today at the Bombay Exhibition Center in Mumbai. It was the first in-person version of the show since 2019. No idea on attendance but the 2019 show had something like 11,500 people.

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