ISE Opens Registration For Feb. Show In Barcelona

October 7, 2021 by Dave Haynes

Integrated Systems Europe has opened registration for its 2022 trade show, set for Feb. 1-4 in Barcelona, Spain.

The timing seems a bit odd, as show co-owner AVIXA has a full court press on right now convincing pro AV people to come to InfoComm at the end of this month. That show’s attendance and exhibitor counts have been greatly compromised by the ongoing COVID situation in Florida and through much of North America. I’d say U.S., but there are now parts of Canada (notably Alberta) where vaccine hesitancy and pandemic-denial have caused huge health care and health safety issues.

That said, there’s another show to market and populate, and the situation looks better in the EU and more specifically in Catalonia, and should (fingers-crossed) be much, much better in roughly four months.

The show site notes 651 exhibitors at the moment, and 230 that categorize themselves as doing digital signage. As noted in the past, some of those vendors may only be kinda-sorta-barely in digital signage, but ISE will likely mark the first time in two years that the big display guys – who have the largest footprints at these shows – can show their newest pots and pans … and screens. I go to see many things at big trade shows, but software demos I can do pretty well online. You really need to be in front of displays and other hardware, in person, to appreciate and understand them.

There was a mini ISE earlier this year at its new home, the Fira de Barcelona Gran Via, but February should – puh-leeeez! – mark the return of the full ISE experience.

I’m going and intend to do a Sixteen:Nine digital signage industry mixer ahead of, and at the same venue, as the global Digital Signage Awards.


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