The Digital Storefront At An NYC Zara Is Getting A LOT Of Online Buzz, But You Should Know It’s Not Real

August 9, 2021 by Dave Haynes

This video keeps making the rounds lately on Linkedin and no matter how many technical people jump in with comments explaining how it is just CGI and not really happening at a NYC Zara store, many more people keep gushing on about how amazing it is.

Here it is on Youtube, as well:

One Linkedin guy’s post has more than 750,000 views, and as far as I can tell he’s not involved and just noting it’s cool!

It’s an interesting video, no question, but it’s helpful to stop and think about this sort of thing for a few seconds and conclude, “Ok, the way that’s done wouldn’t make much sense.”

If, for example, this was done with LED cabinets, that would be one heavy door to open. And how would it open?

One day – perhaps reasonably soon – technology like microLED embedded in building-grade glass will make all that possible, but we’re not there yet. If you’re in New York and wanting to go see this at the Zara in Soho, you’ll be disappointed.

It was done by 3D digital artist Shane Fu, by the way. You can find him on Instagram. There is some media out there suggesting Zara specifically commissioned this piece by to use on TikTok, a platform I thought was just kids dancing at traffic intersections, but apparently has other stuff.

Setting aside the CGI thing, the other question that would generate a lively debate is whether this sort of thing – if real – would drive more foot traffic and sell more apparel. I’m not a retail marketer, in any way, but I’m guessing more fast-fashion lovers are going in based on sales promotions or new outfits on display, as opposed to swirling colors.

  1. Alice Hedden says:

    Absolutely love it, our organization just needs some attention! This would do it.

  2. James Cook says:

    I love it….way2gonyc

    Is there a Christmas theme in the future coming.


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