Tech Details Emerging On That Flashy New Immersive Media District In London
August 5, 2021 by Dave Haynes
That big, tech-filled “Outernet” entertainment and immersive media district is due to open in London late this year, and some details are coming available about who is behind the big visual display elements .
The German firm Ventuz Technology AG has pushed out press information talking about how it is providing the real-time graphics content creation, authoring, and playout systems, while Chinese LED manufacturer AOTO won the DV LED hardware side of the deal.
Outernet is described by backers as a “global network of immersive media and culture districts designed to provide experiences for entertainment, brand activation and retail the likes of which have never been seen before. London will kick off a global roll out with further sites planned in New York, Los Angeles, and Europe.”
The central London site has what’s touted as a world’s-first public atrium – The Now Building – that has a four-storey high, floor to ceiling, 360-degree, 16K LED screen surface – the most advanced of its kind on the planet.
The backers clearly have a media model, as the PR calls out “a daily footfall of 400,000 people are set to experience this new London landmark.”
The venue has 2,260 square meters of LED screens. “Outernet’s media space requires the simultaneous rendering and output of hundreds of millions of pixels in real-time and Outernet found the right technology partner in Ventuz, whose real-time software solutions offer freely scalable, resolution-independent content creation and playout,” says Ventuz in its PR.
“What we are building with Outernet is so extraordinary it far exceeds the usual technology solutions,” says Mike Whittaker, Outernet Global’s CTO. “We have developed a best-in-class integrated solution that allows us to work in real-time across LED canvases of 16K that deliver the best immersive experience to our clients and audiences. Ventuz technology is key to enabling us to meet the challenge of large-scale real-time in a way never seen before.”
“What’s so fascinating about the Outernet is its unique and innovative approach to creating a multimedia experience that lives from its fluid and responsive immediate interactivity with the audience, situational triggers, and the flexibility of an artistic show direction,” says Ventuz CEO Ralf Stanke. “This mix of sensorial liveliness and editorial freedom can be achieved only in an ultramodern installation such as Outernet by means of complex image processing in real time that goes beyond conventional media server applications managing linear content.”
Sensorial liveliness???
No details on what pitch, etc, of LED being put in by AOTO.
If we ever get to a point where it’s safe to travel again, I’ll be finding my way over to have a look at this. Sadly, a lot of my fall travel plans seem doubtful because of all the people who bafflingly are steering clear of getting vaccinated. London WAS in there, but not now.
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