Digital Signage CMS Yodeck Adds Queue Management Via Q-Better Partnership
June 1, 2021 by Dave Haynes
The metering of access into stores and appointment-based retailing that came up by necessity in the past 15 months will stick around, in some fashion, so digital signage solution providers will likely see more and more demand for queue management tools.
Those can be built – which can be expensive and time-consuming, and probably hard. Or they can be integrated from an existing solution – which seems smarter, given that software squarely focused on a specific function and use-cases tends to have more to it than a module that’s part of a broader platform.
Which is why I think it is smart that the Greek/American digital signage CMS Yodeck – which runs mainly off Raspberry Pi micro PCs – has integrated its platform with the cleverly-named Portuguese firm Q-Better, which does guess what.
Says the PR on the integration:
This integration gives retailers, restaurants, healthcare institutions, entertainment venues, and a host of other industries the opportunity to deliver an enhanced customer experience, in just a few clicks.
By using digital signage screens to update and streamline waiting times, customers have an unbeatable first impression when it comes to service delivery and overall in-venue satisfaction. This translates to a boost in return business as well as stellar word-of-mouth marketing and online reviews – two factors that are crucial to the success of all businesses.
Now, Yodeck’s digital signage clients can experience the benefits of queue management, using a quick and easy integration that takes seconds to set up.
Qube, a solution developed by Q-Better, is a new smart queue management system that swiftly organizes services’ waiting lines. Remarkably adaptable to services where time is priceless and must have a quick and efficient response, it is a breakthrough solution that was developed using the newest technologies, market trends and population needs. Its usability improves service efficiency while its design seamlessly blends into any users’ aesthetics.
There have been two clear approaches to date for software companies going after business that required functionality – meeting room sign displays, for example – that was not a core part of a digital signage CMS platform.
1 – Code it and sell it as an add-on module, or roll it into the main offer;
2 – Partner with a company that knows the needed functionality inside and out, and use the API to make two systems play nice.
Both can work, but for reasons of speed and really knowing the the subject, partnering will tend to result in a better product … as long as the two partners stay in their lanes.
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