Take This Quick Survey To Gauge Industry Sentiments In The Age Of COVID-19

March 20, 2020 by Dave Haynes

Sixteen:Nine is working with the Munich-based consulting, events and publishing firm invidis on a marketplace survey to get some sense of what impacts companies within the digital signage eco-system expect to see because of the novel coronavirus pandemic.

While it is hard times for just about any company that doesn’t make medical equipment supplies, hand sanitizer or, for some reason, toilet paper, our industry has a particular challenge. Screens for messaging and advertising out of the home are being seen by a fraction of the normal audience because of quarantines and work from home orders.

Doing workplace communications is very abruptly not a “thing” in a climate of mandated home-based work, and having place-based ad networks is a struggle when those normally busy places are ghost towns.

The survey (at bottom) is just a handful of questions about what company managers/executives think may happen in the coming weeks and months. It is a way to measure sentiment, and will take you less than five minutes.

invidis is focused on the European/UK perspective. Though 16:9 has readers all over, all 17 of you, I’m particularly looking for the North American perspective.

We’ll make the results publicly available.

And if you see German anywhere, the survey form was built in Munich. The only German I know is Prost!

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  1. Spence says:

    Dave… am I missing the link somewhere?

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