Video: The Rationale And Benefits Of Digital Signage In Cannabis Retailing
March 17, 2020 by Dave Haynes
Few retail verticals need digital signage the way cannabis retailing needs it.
You have a wide range of products emerging from a black market into licensed main street, mainstream retailing and a whole bunch of new customers whose collective understanding doesn’t extend much beyond knowing they won’t get arrested for buying it.
As a boomer, walking into a cannabis dispensary feels like walking into a cosmetics store or something else entirely foreign. This is not my world. This is not my stuff. If I am going to buy something, I have questions. Many questions.
And many questions tie up staff, slow down lines, and likely prompt some intimidated or rushed shoppers to leave empty-handed.
If you can educate, navigate and promote using screens, you’re likely going to do better as a retailer.
I mention all this because I am checking in tomorrow on a call with a cannabis start-up I’ve known for a few years, and provided some advice to. So I went to GreenScreens’ website to see what’s up, ahead of that call.
The company put a really good video together that explains cannabis retailing and how screens fit in and help drive both experience and sales. It’s a promo video, for sure, but helpful for anyone looking at this vertical as a vendor, solution provider or end-user.
There are, of course, numerous start-ups going after this emerging retail category, as well as established companies that decided to expand into this, and no end of challenges because of restrictions and rules that vary from province to province in Canada (where it is legal) and the United States, where the levels of legal vary from wide to not at all.
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