Food Court Vendor Uses Tape, Paper And Scissors to Update Digital Menu Displays
December 30, 2019 by Dave Haynes
Every so often I will get an email and pix from a reader who has spotted a food concession – usually – that has resorted to a manual fix for a digital problem.
I have unavailable menu items hidden by tape and entire displays covered by paper … and everything in between.
But I had never seen an example in the wild – until a recent trip to Winnipeg. This was in the food court of a big shopping mall in the western Canadian city.
I can only assume whoever put these menu and promotion screens in doesn’t a CMS, and is just using thumb drives. Or no one has the login or knows how to use the CMS software. Or they do, but the owner doesn’t want to pay to update a JPG file.
So they found some colored paper, got a marker, and made some starbursts to stick right on the screen, obscuring the out of date pricing.
An equal measure of clever and nuts.
Just walk though any food court. You’ll see all kinds of “What not to do’s”. I see an opportunity for a low cost DS integrator.