It’s Digital Signage Expo Booth Preview Season – Free Marketing Love Ahead Of The Show

February 12, 2019 by Dave Haynes

With Integrated Systems Europe out of the way, industry eyes are turning now to Digital Signage Expo, which is in late March in Las Vegas. Every year, 16:9 provides a free service available to exhibitors to preview their booth plans.

I don’t charge for this, and ask only that the exhibitors complete a web form that has a set of questions and requests for links to logos and pix. I then re-purpose those into posts on 16:9.

I will do this starting now, until a few days before the actual show. This is a service available only to exhibitors. I’ve been asked in the past by companies who will be “at DSE” but just walking it. Frankly, a post explaining how a company is sending people to walk the floor would not be all that compelling, and I also want to support a show that I have been attending since forever.

In recent years, dozens and dozens of companies have submitted booth previews, but maybe 2/3s don’t, which baffles me. It is free marketing to exactly the target audience for the show.

Form is here:


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