Update: World HQ Has Shifted 2,000 KMs East, But Office Still In Boxes
July 6, 2018 by Dave Haynes
I am back … almost.
The big move east went surprisingly smoothly. Trucks showed up on time at both ends. Nothing broken. Nothing lost, as far as we can tell. Internet up and running. Local wine and beer supplies ID’d.
We arrived in time for a heat wave to take over a new house that does not have air conditioning, as it is not normally needed around Halifax, Nova Scotia. Stupid-hot and muggy all day, as we unpack, and unpack, but mercifully things cool right down at night.
I am now in the process of figuring out ALL the light switches and what they control, and all the new gear in the mechanical room. Never been on a well. Never had a septic tank. Never had an HVAC system like this. Then there’s the kitchen, which has all kinds of gear I have zero idea how to use.
We’re also learning how living on an acreage outside a city is different – like walking out the side door and seeing chickens wandering around our yard. They’re not ours. Could be good if they lay eggs, but for all I know these are roosters. Deer we expected. Chickens, not so much.
The PLAN is to get back to work early next week, but there is one hitch: my office is still in boxes. We’ve unpacked a LOT of the house, but not the office gear. The back room (top pic) looking out on forest, that I want to use as HQ, is also the room where we’re putting stuff until the rest of the house gets unpacked and sorted out.
So for now, I’m down to a laptop.
Congrats! Amalgamating the Halifax Regional Municipality (HRM) was an even nuttier notion than the Toronto megacity, in terms of one government representing everyone from downtown condo dwellers to dirt road tractor drivers who have to worry about deer eating their gardens.