It’s Opening Day At DSE 2018
March 27, 2018 by Dave Haynes
It is Digital Signage Expo week, and tonight, the big 16:9 Mixer.
If you are heading to the LVCC for the pre-show conferences today, you should know DSE is in the South Hall again and this year, upstairs, above the free drinks at many booths of the nightclub and bar show.
If you are registered for the mixer, remember it is at the Hard Rock Cafe on the strip, not at the Hard Rock Casino well off the strip.
I am getting all kinds of press releases and PR messages timed to the big week. Here’s the thing. I have, like most trade people, micro-seconds this week to read and report on news. Sending out press releases when your target audience of press, end-users and integrators is largely or fully consumed by all the “stuff” around traveling and attending a trade show makes little sense.
I always encourage clients or just industry contacts and friends to send their PR out a week BEFORE the show.
Why? It is likely the target audience is still doing regular stuff at their offices and has time to read things, and time to mull them and think, “When I am at DSE, I should make a point of seeing that company …”
Your announcement is also lost in all the other emails from companies about Visit Our Booth, See Us At The LVCC, RSVP Four Party, etc etc.
So if you sent me a big announcement in the last couple of days, and are wondering why it got little coverage from me or others, now you know.
See you at the LVCC. Refereeing a panel at the Digital OOH conference this morning.
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