Audi’s Digital OOH Campaign In UK Matches Billboard Ads To Road Conditions
October 19, 2017 by Dave Haynes
This is an interesting twist on using APIs and public data to serve up contextually relevant digital OOH ads on roadside displays – matching conditions to the assistive technology an automaker offers to deal with those conditions.
Created by BBH and produced by Grand Visual, the UK campaign for Audi that’s now active uses traffic, time and weather data to trigger content that is contextually relevant at each digital OOH display location. For example, when the traffic is heavy, the creative showcases Audi’s Pre-Sense – a built-in technology package for predictive safety. In bad weather, the boards run messaging for all-wheel drive. And so on.
The dynamic campaign runs off OpenLoop, a platform developed and spun out by Grand Visual, which analyzes UK transport API’s and weather data, and triggers the relevant creative for each roadside location. The media was planned and booked by Omnicom Media Group’s PHD and Talon on 211 screens, across nine cities.
“This is the first data-driven digital OOH campaign we have launched on a national scale,” says Benjamin Braun, Head of Marketing, Audi UK. “By using data to contextualize copy, we can reach drivers with targeted and tactical advertising messages that are relevant throughout the day, tapping into the driver’s mindset in the moment. That is powerful.”
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