Photos From The Floor – ISE 2017
February 17, 2017 by Dave Haynes
I took a pile of photos of things I saw around the show floor last week at ISE in Amsterdam. Posting about everything isn’t feasible, so here’s a bunch of pix with comments.

ProDVX has a nice 10-inch room sign that can attach right on window glass.

I liked the random design of the LEDs in Ostech’s booth

Christie demos its Mystique projection-mapping software platform with a mini ice rink and pico projectors.

Leyard’s curvy carbon fiber-backed direct view LED product

Crestron’s meeting room signs solution includes illuminated room availability signs.

I THINK this was Leyard/Planar showing in simple terms what different pixel pitches look like for LED.

I liked the SpinetiX booth, which had a pair of ultra narrow bezel video walls but also a big LED pylon running branding and data.

LG calls its skinny OLEDs “in-glass wallpaper”

LG now has a direct view LED product (so does Philips, as well)

LG has added a longer and slightly wider 88-inch stretch LCD (last year they debuted an 84-incher)

When the bezels are this narrow I don’t totally get why end-users want to spend waaaaaay more on direct view LED that doesn’t look as good. Stay away from white or light colors, and the seams are pretty much gone. This is LG, by the way.

Good way to show a whole series in the various sizes.

Glasses-free 3D LED video wall. Pointless, dumb and looked terrible.

These guys have tech that gets LEDs away from always having four hard corners.

Sharp has a CMS of its own,

Ultra-fine LED display from Sony. Tech is called CLEDIS.

I liked Condeco’s desk availability signs.

4K glasses-free 3D. It actually looked very good, but not sure how much of a market there is for something that’s mostly a gimmick.

Samsung has skinny, stretch displays, and I liked how they were demo’d in context.

Samsung mirror display between two jumbo LCDs

Samsung’s latest ultra high def direct view LED

NEC’s top narrow bezel video wall product. Again, seams are evident, but visually, they aren’t much of an issue, at all.

Christie showed its edge-blending and projection chops with this massive wall at one end of booth.
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