Sixteen:Nine Podcasts: Jeremy Gavin, Screenfeed

June 22, 2016 by Dave Haynes



Jeremy Gavin, the founder of Screenfeed, sat down with me in an empty conference room at InfoComm earlier this month.

Jeremy runs a Minneapolis company that generates great-looking, ready-made content feeds for digital signage networks. Screenfeed, in many ways, reinvented the whole approach to subscription content – moving the business off scrolling tickers and rolling headlines, to a much more visual, curated approach.

It’s been very successful and Screenfeed has network clients around the world. Jeremy walked me through how and why he started Screenfeed, and some interesting new research that shows subscription content attracts viewers and drives recall for digital signage messaging.

  1. Hey guys, hope you are both doing well. I just listened to this today. Thank you for a good podcast, really enjoyed that. It was great to listen to two smart professionals, who know the industry so well. It’s great to be on the content side, innovate and try to move the industry forward. I personally am also a fan of full screen content 😉 Anyway, have a good day!

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