Looking For Data Visualization Stories
March 9, 2016 by Dave Haynes
I have this theory that visualized data is the next big thing in digital signage, and have been blabbering away about that for a couple of years now. Screens that display highly visual animations, charting and even just well-presented numbers deal very efficiently with the whole feeding the content beast dilemma.
Problem is – while I hear a lot of people talking about it, I don’t see many real projects in the field.
I know they are out there, and I’d like to showcase them – as the best way to get more people taking advantage of legacy and real-time data is to provide inspiration from work already in the field.
Done great work? Helped a client put it together? Just saw it somewhere and took a snapshot?
Please send along. Poking around the web nets some results, but I suspect some of the best projects out there aren’t described as visualized data OR digital signage.
Seen good stuff – tell me via dave at sixteen-nine.net
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