New Directory Site For Digital Signage’s Gateway Drug
January 27, 2016 by Dave Haynes
A new online directory, Meeting Room Signs, has gone live, offering an easy, comprehensive tool for connecting buyers and sellers in the fast-emerging digital meeting room sign and digital door sign business.
Meeting room signs are what I call the gateway drug for digital signage. I’ve talked to lots of vendors who say this simple, easily explained and sold solution gets them in the door and active with a customer, and often those customers then ask for things like digital directories, wayfinding and corporate communications signage.
Traditional digital signage is a complicated sell, with a lot of time invested in getting the end-user to understand the use-case and ROI. It takes milliseconds for decision-makers at most companies with more meetings than meeting rooms to understand how a digital door sign set-up would make things better.
There are now more 20 different companies offering solutions that help remove the chaos and frustrations almost every large organization has in allocating and managing meeting room and conference room spaces. All of them tie into company calendar systems like Exchange to show meeting room availability on screens outside rooms. But all of them do it a little differently.
The Meeting Room Signs directory is free to use for both the software and hardware vendors around the world that have developed and now market solutions, and for companies and individuals looking for an efficient tool to research options and find what they need.
Basic listings are free to vendors, and they can upgrade their listings to enhanced and premium settings – adding more detail and product photos – for a fee.
End-users can search on a variety of options, including supported calendar systems (like Microsoft Exchange) or more precise options like Power Over Ethernet or BLE Beacons support.
The service is now live, and more company listings are being added as they are discovered or come on to the market, The door sign market includes pure-play software and display hardware companies focused in this area, and digital signage content management software companies that have added door signs in their range of capabilities and services.
Note: Meeting Room Signs is a little spinoff product of my company, Vertical Media Consulting Group Inc.
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