Projects: A Movie And A Craft Beer

June 15, 2015 by Dave Haynes


Flix Brewhouse is an interesting movie theater chain in that it pairs the big screen with the tall glass – the latter used for the output of the micro brewery that Flix runs onsite.

Yes, you can sip a craft beers and watch a flick in a theatre. This is second only in awesomeness to taking a craft beer with you as you shop at Whole Foods in Austin – the beer a good way to forget you’re paying like $5 for a a tomato. Did that recently, though my shopping involved looking for wine.

Anyway, the Flix chain has three locations and wanted a way to cost-effectively showcase specials, menus, promo materials and movie posters. Working with Burbank, CA-based No Static AV, the company put together a signage program that runs off 55-inch Samsungs and Rise Vision software paired with Asus Chromeboxes.

Most of the content is programmed via Rise, but the Chromebox also calls a website called Tapster to list and describe the various beers available on premise.


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