Projects: One World Trade Center’s Digital-Filled Observatory
May 22, 2015 by Dave Haynes

Photo: Jake Dobkin, Gothamist
The 102nd floor deck on top of the new World Trade Center building in lower Manhattan – the building that went up next to the footprint of the two towers brought down on 9-11, opens as an observatory next week.
It’s a $32 elevator ride to go up and have a look around, but there’s a lot more going on that just a view.
The project includes a couple of crazy-cool things like floor to ceiling screens in the elevators, and a circular video sculpture I’m pretty sure I’ve not seen in a decade of writing about this stuff. The elevator screens are fascinating because I got my start in this stuff 16 years ago putting 12-inch screens in elevators, so screens as walls is a little mind-blowing.
There’s also a wall of square displays I assume are Planar’s (since Samsung end-of-lifed its versions) and some very nice projection pieces.
It would be a great place for having a private function in November during the various things happening during the so-called digital signage week (but I’m not organizing it!).
There’s a good story and more pix in Gothamist about the project …

Photo: Jake Dobkin, Gothamist

Photo: Jake Dobkin, Gothamist

Photo: Jake Dobkin, Gothamist
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