Free Blog Love Ahead Of DSE: Last Call
March 1, 2015 by Dave Haynes
In a few days, I will be (yay!) out of the snow and cold, doing a couple of meetings in California before driving the rental over to Las Vegas.
That will greatly limit my blog posts, and will pretty much spell the end to the DSE Booth Field Guides I have been doing. It’s a free soap box that allows companies to relate what they will be showing at DSE, and why people should make a point of dropping by. Field guides work for me because they remove all the time, coordination, transcriptions, etc of advance interviews.
It’s free, and takes no time. So I figured, I was going to be swamped with submissions.
I’ve had 10 so far. 10.
I know people are busy ahead of the show, but really? This is very likely a better forum than any press release you are going to issue, and it doesn’t cost anything other than 15-20 minutes of time. I get PR people asking me end-less-ly to schedule interviews on the show floor, and I end-less-ly say Nope, no time.
So I the aspiration to get in Sixteen:Nine is there. But people would actually have to do something beyond sitting in an interview, responding to questions.
Here’s what I need, by midday Tuesday latest …
These questions answered and emailed back:
- Why do people going to DSE need to put your company on their Must See list of booths?
- What’s your big marketing message to attendees, and what’s it all about?
- What’s the ideal profile of attendees walking into your booth?
- How many years have you been doing DSE and how has it changed (if you think it has changed?) over the years?
- Any advice for first-time attendees?
Booth Number
Name of submitting person
Logo or, better, booth or product shot at 690 pix or so (don’t email me a 5 MB image or something the size of a business card
Here’s a sample submission …
email – dave AT sixteen-nine.net
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