Industry Vets Jill & David Miller Escape Huge NJ Apartment Fire
January 24, 2015 by Dave Haynes
If you have been around digital signage for a bunch of years it is very likely that you know Jill or David Miller, or possibly both of them. You might know them best through the Digital Signage Group, a Seattle-area consultancy and reseller that was doing things like webinars years before most companies in this space picked up the tactic.
They are the kind of people you meet now and then that you instantly like. But they are in a bit of a pickle.
The couple moved last year to the New York area, as Jill took on a business development position with Samsung, in the head offie along the New Jersey turnpike. When I saw Jill in November she was joking about how small the little apartment they now had in Hoboken was compared to their old house on the West Coast.
If you just contorted yourself the right way, she joked, you had a Manhattan skyline view.
Well, that apartment burned to the ground the other day, and here’s how their daughter Hailey describes it:
The Avalon Apartment complex in Edgewater, New Jersey went up in flames Wednesday evening. My parents lost everything in that fire including their cars. We are trying to raise some funds quickly to help them. They have nothing but the clothes they walked out in. Any funds we raise will go to help them in the short term, and all funds above and beyond will be donated to other local families also in need.
Thank you so much. David and Jill are wonderful people and now they are in need!!!
Sometimes the insurance planets align and disasters are covered off quickly by insurers. But most times you need to run up a pile of bills and hope you one day get it back.
The huge fire destroyed some 240 units and needed more than 250 firefighters from 35 towns. No one was baldy hurt but the Millers are among 400 people who’ve been displaced.
You can donate to the online crowdfunding campaign here. Hayley is looking to generate $10K, and since Friday friends have chipped in $1,500.
Good one David.. Jill is a founding force of the industry that sustains so many households.. From her launching of the Digital Signage Directory to her being named Digital Signage Woman of the Year in the mid 2000’s up to her current work, Jill has been a “giver” – now is her time to know the gift of receiving.. Crowdsource contribution takes all of 1 minute – put that credit card to some good, unselfish use !