Projects: Oscars Red Carpet Stretches All The Way To US Malls
March 6, 2014 by Dave Haynes
Screenfeed has long been known for curating and very nicely presenting news, data, images and video in automated feeds for digital signage networks, but it added an interesting new wrinkle the other night when it live-streamed video from the Academy Awards red carpet last Sunday.
The live stream took over large digital screens placed in several U.S. malls for the two-hour event. I
“The canvas is amazing. These screens are 13’ high and 18’ tall, hung from the ceiling in areas that are viewed by millions of viewers over the course of the year,” says Jeremy Gavin, CEO of Screenfeed. “I was on hand at two of the malls showing the stream and it was exciting to hear people talking about the screens and actually stop what they were doing for a while to watch.”
The Daktronics LED screens are used by the mall operators to deliver their own messages and partner advertising, as well as entertain guests with daily feeds from Screenfeed.
The red carpet of the Oscars is more about who is wearing what and how than the actual awards given out later in the evening and Gavin indicates this is just what the malls were looking for. “Being fashion-focused is very important to malls as much of their retail-base relates to fashion and style. So showing the red carpet at a glamorous event such as this met this objective.”
Gavin says his company, a loyal Sixteen:Nine advertiser, plans to offer more live stream events in the future packaged with content feeds that will play pre and post-event such as a post-Oscar fashion review.
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