RMG Exec Meetings Must Be Seriously Weird

February 20, 2014 by Dave Haynes



The senior management meetings at RMG Networks must be so odd because of the wildly different product directions that company took on when it acquired Symon in the lead-up to going public.

On the one hand, you have an Out Of Home media company selling into airline seat-backs, shopping mall food courts and packaged office centers.

Then you have the old Symon side doing this:

RMG Networks  has released Visual Supply Chain, its new digital signage solution for supply chain operations. Visual Supply Chain is a complete package of software, hardware, business apps and services for improving productivity and communication at supply chain operations of all sizes.”

“RMG’s Visual Supply Chain displays real-time performance data that helps supply chain operations increase efficiency, motivate worker performance and deliver KPIs to the desktop, mobile device or to employee-facing digital signage for continuous process improvement. Data from multiple sources can be integrated, aggregated and synthesized to support process practices like Six Sigma, Lean Manufacturing, TQM and others.”

Not saying it can’t work, or that it isn’t working. But boy those are different animals.

The product itself, I like. Dynamic data visualizations are going to be a big thing on the corporate side of this business, because they can give people a quick understanding of what’s going on, far more effectively than spreadsheets and data tables.

UPDATE: RMG CEO Garry McGuire gave me a shout after I posted to concede they are indeed different tracks, but are not as opposed as maybe people think, because of the way they’re steadily applying data to optimize communications. “There’s really a lot of parallels for what we do with a data for a digital out of home network for somebody like an eBay and what we do with a supply chain network.”

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