NRF Or Not In 2015?: What The Numbers Suggest

February 5, 2014 by Dave Haynes


The National Retail Federation have put out the numbers on its big annual trade show last month in New York. Some vendors I know have been asking me if it is a show they need to consider being at, and my answer was a nice, waffling, “It depends …”

It really does based on your vertical and the kind of resources you can throw at it. Getting to, staying in and showing at a New York event is expensive, and it’s also a total crap shoot in terms of weather (like flight delays). But … it’s also a very big show for retailers.

Here’s what the NRF says:


Show floor stats

New in 2015

That last bit is interesting, as it would be possible for East Coasters to get in a day on the show floor by flying early on a quiet travel day.

It’s a big, busy event, and a vendor with limited resources and therefore a teeny booth in the back 40 might not see an ROI unless they get the look and message just right, and have something unique. There were several companies in the digital signage tribe showing this year.

The other big challenge with NRF is that it comes on the heels of the exhausting CES show in Las Vegas.

If I had the free tie and budget I’d go to both. This year I didn’t get either in. Next year … hmmmm.

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