Hey Networks, Now We Need Your Help!
November 13, 2013 by Dave Haynes
In a little more than 24 hours we have turned around great 15-second creative spots for digital signage and digital out of home networks in multiple countries, all driving donations to national Red Cross organizations that will reliably send aid to the millions affected by the nightmare typhoon that hit the Philippines.
We’ve got spots for the US, Canada, the UK (coming today) and even the undamaged parts of the Philippines, including Manila. We have different orientations and for Canada, we have French and English versions!
What we now need are networks to step forward and run the spots. These will work on ad networks, corporate networks, pretty much anything with a video window.
If you are an industry association, please let your members know they can find the ads here or on the portal site, www.doohgood.com. I contacted one industry association Monday (won’t shame them), but more than 24 hours, no response. Zip.
Honestly, I’d be embarrassed if I was a member.
Associations have mailing lists that can get a request around to a lot of people quickly. If you need narrative, send me a note. I’ll write it.
If you are a display or software vendor, let your end users know.
All this great work by creative teams only works if it gets on screens. They stepped up in a brilliant way. Your turn. Please.
If you are running them, let me know.
You can can sit and look at the pictures and video coming back from places that were all but blown and washed away, and shake your head. Or you can take a few minutes and try to make a bit of a difference by driving donations. If you do, thank you.
photo credit: °]° via photopin cc
photo credit: mansunides via photopin cc
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