Companies Using Video Scribing To Market Their Digital Signage Products
October 10, 2013 by Dave Haynes
Video scribing is a nice, relatively inexpensive way to get product information and concepts across in a visually interesting, but familiar, way. It’s essentially whiteboard drawings captured and sped up, and given a background narrative audio track.
A few companies in this sector are using them to market their products, most recently the software company Rise Vision, which has a very solid yet genuinely free (no bait and switch BS) content management platform.
This one is for MicroSigns, which works on the outer edges of digital signage doing in-store digital screen solutions for the wireless and consumer electronics sectors.
This is one I came across for Samsung’s Smart Signage Platform.
Full video shoots are the best, but I would take these efforts anytime over the ghastly talking head videos I have seen issued here and there by companies in this sector, the worst of them by Cisco (going back two or three years).
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