RevelDigital Releases 2nd-Gen Android Digital Signage Offer
August 17, 2013 by Dave Haynes
Android digital signage products have now been on the scene long enough that we’re staring to see 2nd generation products hit the market.
Capital Networks released theirs recently, and now Fargo, ND-based RevelDigital has announced a new version of its hardware/software offer.
RevelDigital says the new version is the result of customer feedback and working closely with hardware vendors.
“One of the biggest concerns with our first Android hardware release was with WiFi performance. Most Android PC sticks have an internal antenna which greatly reduces range. Our new hardware utilizes not only an external antenna, but a hand-selected WiFi chip to guarantee exceptional connectivity, range, and speed,” said Mike Tinnes, CTO for RevelDigital.
The software is a customized Android Jellybean OS which has been tweaked to allow full use of the display area (no visible toolbars) and automatic switching between portrait and landscape orientations.
Says the news release:
Updates to the player are fully automatic which makes this hardware truly maintenance free. Some of the hardware features in this release include a quad core processor, 2GB DDR memory, 8GB flash storage, Bluetooth, and WiFi connectivity. Also included are USB and HDMI cables.
RevelDigital’s Android player app, available on the Google Play Store, provides full integration with the RevelDigital web based management platform including tools for designing content, scheduling playback, monitoring, and reporting. RevelDigital’s template designer allows for pixel precise layouts. Player health is monitored continuously with screen shots of active content and proof of play reporting gives millisecond precision of when content is played.
“Customer feedback and a close relationship with our hardware vendors has proven invaluable in creating what we believe to be the very best Android digital signage solution on the market,” said Ted Rosenbaum, CEO of RevelDigital.
The units cost $145, and that includes USB and HDMI cables, as well as a 2 year replacement warranty.
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