Project Profile: FishNet’s Captures Guests With Giant Lobby Video Wall

September 24, 2012 by Dave Haynes

It’s become pretty common to walk into an office lobby and see a large monitor looming behind the reception desk, but the information security firm FishNet Security has amped up that idea by multiples.

The Overland Park, Kansas firm’s new headquarters has a 10 by 6 wall of MicroTiles in the main lobby to welcome visitors.

“This particular Christie MicroTiles array is flush with the wall and features vibrant graphics, which means people notice the content quickly,” said Justin Copeland, who runs the company’s in-house multimedia team. “Guests immediately see their own names or those of the corporations they represent on the MicroTiles.”

There’s a second 22 wide by 7 high wall of MicroTiles in the company’s Security Operations Center (SOC), which displays threat intelligence data, various monitoring tool dashboards, open work tickets, active service calls and other Java-based applications.

“When there is a security concern or other issue, they project and share that information with their colleagues and supervisors,” says Max Dodge, VP Sales at FishNet Security. “Everyone then analyzes it and the appropriate action is taken. There is also a constant security monitor globe displayed on the MicroTiles wall that tracks information security threats from around the world.”

The company is also using three DLP projectors to create what is touted to be the largest corporate touch screen in the United States. The Executive Briefing Center (EBC) viewing gallery has a 33 feet wide by 7 feet high display area using edge-blending (I assume) and Float 4 Interactive’s edge sensors. A giant “navigation wheel” on the screen enables users to launch applications and display interactive content with the touch of a finger.

This project would have several 000s after the dollar sign, but having been walked through a few of these kinds of places I get a sense bling is a big part of the sales process. Just showing people endless server racks and raised floors, and heads staring at monitors, doesn’t gets eyes to widen.

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