Blood Donor Clinics Tap Into Digital Signage
May 30, 2012 by Dave Haynes
I have either missed stuff or grown immune, or more likely my fellow Canucks at ScreenScape have ratcheted back the PR blast-o-meter and no longer issue press releases on every curling rink and corner bar that plugs into their platform. After a while it was just noise.
Now they just do meaningful announcements, and this one today is an interesting one.
Canadian Blood Services is using the ScreenScape digital signage platform to develop and run a place-based media network at their permanent collection sites.
“We see this as an opportunity to engage with Canadians in new ways and in new places. They have made this kind of technology easy to deploy, easy to use and entirely accessible to organizations like ours,” says Steve Harding, Executive Director, Development, Canadian Blood Services.
The interesting bit is that the community networking/content sharing angle to ScreenScape means the medical centres, shopping malls, pubs and cafes that use ScreenScape can opt in to run Blood Services messaging and help drive donations. Let’s say there is a shortage of AB negative in a community. This would be another way to get the word out and send people in with their sleeves rolled up.
“We see all kinds of potential to use this technology in conjunction with our community partners to encourage more Canadians to rally together to save lives,” says Harding.
“We see many great examples of ScreenScape being used to educate and inform patients, and to complement the delivery of healthcare services,” says ScreenScape President and CEO Kevin Dwyer. “This one is special given the life-saving nature of the work and the great public service that Canadian Blood Services provides. It’s an honour and a privilege to be working with Canadian Blood Services to help them pursue their mandate and we encourage all members of the ScreenScape Community to subscribe to their content to extend the power and reach of this network.”
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