Smart City Lights Up Smart Video Wall Network at LVCC
January 27, 2012 by Dave Haynes
I think I have been to at least a dozen trade shows of some kind or another at the Las Vegas Convention Center, and over that time seen a few stabs at digital signage ad and information networks in the public areas.
It’s a big honking space, so much of what has been done to date has been too small to really grab the attention of the masses streaming through that cavernous space.
The latest effort looks a lot different, employing a dozen of the kinds of video walls that have some stopping and notice power.
The global meetings industry web site Conworld reports:
Smart City Networks has completed the installation of a permanent digital signage network at the Las Vegas Convention Center (LVCC) offering new opportunities for digital advertising at the center.
The digital signage network consists of 12 video walls throughout the North, Central and South Hall public areas.
The new digital signage network can present content to thousands of visitors in multiple locations, while also offering a show the flexibility to purchase advertising on the video walls that are most pertinent to their event space.
In the Grand Lobby, a feature video wall with 36 video screens, spanning a space 21 feet long by 12 feet high, is suspended from a ceiling beam. In total, the digital signage network at the LVCC consists of 87, 46-inch high-definition monitors.
“A digital signage network that spans numerous public areas in a convention center is really a unique offering,” said Mark Haley, president of Smart City Networks which will maintain the network at the LVCC. “This network offers a great opportunity for exhibitors and show managers to publicize their products and services directly to the thousands of event attendees in a high impact manner.”
“We are always looking for ways to improve the customer experience and continue to be an innovator in the convention industry,” said Terry Jicinsky, senior vice president of operations for the Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority (LVCVA), owners of the convention center.
“This unique digital signage network provides another resource for our show producers and exhibitors, as well as our resort partners and other businesses, to place their products and services in front of the hundreds of thousands of visitors who attend our facility each year.”
Smart City Networks will sell digital advertising to conventions and events held in the facility as well as assist show managers who wish to sell ads to their exhibitors. Local attractions, hotels and national advertisers can also advertise on the new network.
The LVCVA board of directors previously approved the five-year contract to enable Smart City to design, purchase, install and maintain the digital signage network.
This is smart, and something I would have loved to do had I pile of investor money and a green card. I have spreadsheets from a few years that worked out the whole opportunity of selling screen time to vendors show by show, the idea being that $3,000 for a message on a big-ass video wall beat the hell out of $3,000 for a tent card saying you sponsored the morning coffee break at some show.
Houston-based Smart City Networks is specifically in the business of technology and telecommunication services to the
trade show and event industry, so this is right in the company wheelhouse and should over time deliver a nice ROI. I like.
Some smart DS vendor will buy time on one of these outside the hall where DSE is being held in a month.
Pic shamelessly pilfered from ConferenceHound.
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