Ardinger new president of Digital Screenmedia Association
April 27, 2011 by Dave Haynes
Nanonation‘s Brian Ardinger is the new president of the Digital Screenmedia Association.
Ardinger, the SVP & Chief Marketing Officer for Nanonation, was named at the same time as a new advisory board. Brian is on the right in this photo.
Other officers elected include:
- Executive Vice President – Digital Signage: Lou Giacalone, Founder CoolSign, Haivision
- Executive Vice President – Mobile: Jared Miller, Managing Director, Self-Service & Emerging Technology, United Airlines
- Executive Vice President – Self-Service Kiosk: Ron Bowers, Senior Vice President, Business Development, Frank Mayer & Associates
- Treasurer: Cortlandt Johnson, Kiosk Services Sales Leader, IBM
- Secretary: Charles Ansley, President & CEO, Symon Communications, Inc.
“I’m excited about the upcoming year,” says Ardinger. “I have seen the association grow to become more inclusive, more engaged, and more forward thinking as the markets and technologies have grown and changed. Whether digital signage, kiosks or mobile, we now have a platform for the industry to build on and an opportunity to engage and educate the market about the benefits of digital screenmedia.”
Stu Armstrong of EnQii stepped down after two years heading the DSA, and will now focus on his run for the U.S. Presidency.
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