PRI filling last seats for DSE Education Forum. Register now.

February 11, 2011 by Dave Haynes

The Platt Retail Institute’s End-User Education Forum runs the first day of Digital Signage Expo, ahead of the two trade shows and leading into the big mixer.

It runs from noon to 6 p.m. at the Las Vegas Convention Center on Feb. 22, and is free of charge to current or potential end users . It includes lunch and all course materials. and the effect is bankrolled by sponsors.

Margot Myers from PRI sent a note to say they want to put butts in the last few seats available, and could I help get the word out.


We have a panel of retailers, a panel of university folks, some intro-level material that I will present, and lots of opportunity for interaction with other end users in a relaxed setting.

An agenda and list of speakers is posted here.

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