Co-op marketing dollars fund casino digital wayfinding project
April 8, 2010 by Dave Haynes
I knocked out a release yesterday for an integration/consulting company in Las Vegas called Core Technology, run by some guys I know. I try not to use this blog to just relay PR from clients, and I definitely don’t want to compete with the blogs and trade pubs that kindly work with my releases.
But this one has an interesting little side story worth noting …
We always hear and talk about how costs for digital signage installations can be offset or eliminated through advertising or co-op marketing dollars. But there really aren’t that many cases of that having actually played out. But it did with this.
Caesars Atlantic City casino has started using Core Technology’s unique iFinder wayfinding kiosks to enhance and personalize the resort and gaming experience for guests.
Interactive touch screen kiosks strategically located around the property deliver complete virtual concierge services for guests, serving up on-demand information on dining, entertainment, and other resort services. The kiosks also allow gamblers to search for favorite slot machines or table games, and immediately get visual directions to them.
The casino is already logging more than 2,500 unique user sessions each week on multiple iFinder units deployed around the property. Harrah’s Resort City, also in Atlantic City, has been using the iFinder kiosks since 2007.
Caesars implemented the wayfinding kiosks with strategic guidance from their Las Vegas-based technology integrator, Core Technology. Costs for the program are covered by exclusive digital product placements on the kiosks by beverage companies. The beverage brands use marketing dollars to get their message in front of resort guests at times when purchasing intentions are high.
Core Technology provided project management, network engineering and full implementation management for the system installation. Core customized Jupiterbay’s Fusioncast software for the project, making it a full resort Virtual Concierge application. Core and Chicago-based Jupiterbay jointly developed the “Slot Finder” application for casino use.
Casinos are something of an anomaly in what you can and cannot do inside their walls, and in this case, Core put the story and value proposition together that saw the casino’s marketing people round up liquor brands and get co-op dollars to effectively cover the cost of the project.
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