Twitter can work well is used as a make-
January 12, 2010 by Dave Haynes
Twitter can work well is used as a make-shift CMS platform to add taglines, headings and updates to existing digital signage (leveraging its ubiquity and familiarity from the UI perspective) In an event where it is used on digital signage, all shorthand, #,@ and jargon should be avoided.
Example in a transit environment, twitter can be used by support staff and dispatch to send instant updates on road conditions and schedule status from the field w/out need to log-into complicated (often proprietary) digital signage management consoles.
Considering that many organisations now manage multiple twitter accounts (divided by lines of business or ets), having a ‘clean’ account for digital signage integration is not earth shattering. (Perhaps some users actually would prefer the ‘Plain English’ channel to todays cascade of @,#, LOL,LMAO and RT: dominating the Twittersphere.)
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