Rants etc

August 4, 2009 by Dave Haynes

I sense your pain David, but I have a slightly different perspective 🙂

I really don’t like Tweets that ONLY promote a company’s new bells and whistles. I seek a more authentic voice and value those Tweets that occasionally mix business with pleasure. As an example, I follow some industry folks who Tweet about music they are listening to (and have discovered great new tracks that way). imo it grounds the person and right or wrong, I think I can better judge their promotional posts.

I just don’t trust relentless self promotion – and it wouldn’t help to have two accounts, as I don’t want to do the sifting myself. I simply want a mix of entertaining AND informative messages.

I gave what I hope was an excellent presentation (modesty escapes me) on the realities of social media which can be found here:

APDF Conference May 09 from Stephen Randall

fwiw – I hardly every visit LinkedIn nowadays as it seems too blatantly about self promotion. I use Facebook for friends and family, but post via Twitter, and use Twitter for biz+pleasure.

To each his/her own. Oh – and I enjoy your posts!

Stephen Randall
Twitter: stephenrandall

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