Such a Great Idea…
June 29, 2009 by Dave Haynes
As a salesperson working in the L.A. market for over ten years, I went to Transit TV to see if I could be a part of something great. I saw a lot of potential for Transit TV, but those boneheads in the Orlando based office had no clue how to market to the dynamic SoCal ridership. Their view was that L.A. bus riders were either poor, or stupid (or both)and didn’t realize the incredible diversity of their “Captive Audience” We had a lot of great ideas for exiting and stimulating media content and wonderful opportunities for donated content from public television, local colleges & universities, plus a deal with a local sports team that I personally brought to the table, but no one would listen to our ideas back at the corporate office We had a great shot at doing great things with their unique business model.
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