Mixer review – March 10
March 12, 2009 by Dave Haynes
The March mixer/meet-up in Toronto went off really well, with a pile of people ignoring the pouring rain and making their way to the Six Steps lounge on Tuesday night.
There were perhaps 55 people, and a LOT of them new faces. There were a lot of vendors, covering the waterfront from panels to installation, and a fledgling network operator or two who made good use of the time to grab cards and elevator pitches.
I have been in this space forever, and been in the same room countless times, but this was the first time I had met and chatted with Jeff Porter of Scala, who was up from Philly and had some of the relatively new Scala Canada people in tow.
Had a lot of good conversations and confirmed that even in this rough economy, I am by no means the only one who’s quite busy with opportunities and agreements. It was good to hear.
Thanks to the Marketplace Station (Whole Foods) and Coxcom (installs and project management) for sponsoring, and Ingram’s Dmitry Sokolov for organizing.
Next one is the 2nd Tuesday in April, same place unless otherwise noted. Details will be posted in 2-3 weeks.
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