Another entry into gas pump TV game
July 24, 2008 by Dave Haynes
There are lots and lots of gas stations out there, so it is no surprise to learn of another entry into the screens on top of gas pumps game – the latest in Lexington, Kentucky.
Fuel View TV has 100 screens installed on pumps at Shell stations around Lexington, and plans to add another 80 this summer. Expansion plans would put them into another 10 markets next year.
The guys are using Chyron’s DS platform.
According to the website:
Through a partnership with WKYT, Channel 27 and Traxx Management/ Thoroughbred Energy, the FUEL VIEW TV NETWORK will air on 25 strategically placed Shell Gas Stations across Central Kentucky and the Lexington market.
Fuel View TV on Gas PumpsOur State-of-the-Art LCD monitors will deliver local news content, including the day’s top stories, weather and sports headlines, alongside advertising content from our local & regional business community..
The 2 minute “mini” newscast loops 3 times every 15 minutes and is updated by WKYT 4 times per day. An L-Bar with the 5 Day Forecast, as well as stock updates, lottery numbers and sports headlines, rotates consistently to keep you up to date on the news that concerns you most.
Your advertising content is balanced with local news and entertainment and airs continuously as patrons fill their cars!
Well first, sincere best wishes to Fuel View.
Second, eeesh. I just don’t get the continuing obsession in this industry with shoveling TV assets onto gas pump screens, and pummeling people with weather reports when they are already outside and have car radios if they really do need to get a forecast. There must be better, more engaging and relevant content to put up on these things, like, umm, traffic reports???
Third, with fuel prices the way they are … are people looking at the screens, or staring at the ground muttering in disgust?
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