Time for a mixer

April 14, 2008 by Dave Haynes

The NAB and Kioskcom shows are on this week in Las Vegas and that’s pretty much it, for a bit, in terms of industry-related events for a while.

We have not had a local industry mixer for a while and have been dodging them because of all these trade shows that suck people out of the marketplace (and allows us to get together in sometimes warmer climes for pops).

A local company has been planning a get together for next week, April 24, but has had to beg off for a month. My feeling, we’re overdue and should just have one on that evening. The last place we had it, right in downtown Toronto, worked out pretty well … so my suggestion is to go there again.

Unless someone has an alternative in mind, I’ll look into that.

We have no sponsor for this one, and I have whipped out my card a few times already, so we can either have someone step up or a few people just agree to buy a nibbly plate or two.

Comments? And let me know on other venues, or I will try to lock this one down by Wednesday.

  1. Lyle Bunn says:

    I do enjoy the friendly faces of these Mixers and hope that April 24 can work out.. No sponsor needed for some good discussion. I’ll watch 16:9 for details.

  2. Brian Slowleigh says:

    I’d love to make it out to one of these Mixers in Toronto. Lock down the details, and I will see you there.

  3. Ian Collins says:

    Excellent idea. I will attend. Perhaps ask the bar to provide some food and charge a $10 – 20 cover?

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