GSBC’s world domination looms

February 16, 2007 by Dave Haynes


I have been reading a flurry of press releases in the last couple of weeks from a company I suspect none of you have ever heard of – Global Satellite Broadcasting Corporation Ltd. (GSBC).

The releases have steadily announced the acquistion of several other companies and culminated yesterday with a news release about how the firm expects to generate $43,000,000,000 in revenues over the next five years and basically own the entire digital signage business.

I could kick this on ALL over the place — as it has that familiar smell of mining stock promotions from the late, great Vancouver Stock Exchange — but fellow blogster Bill Gerba does a great job of coming off the top rope with a flying elbow drop on this bunch of, umm, fanciful thoughts.

  1. […] I’ve been blogospherically goaded to spread the buzz started by Digital Signage News and Sixteen:Nine.So, what’s the big scoop? GSBC (Global Satellite Broadcasting Corporation) just popped a […]

  2. Rob Gorrie says:

    is this an episode of hee haw?

    Nikki Baird over at Forrester and a wack of other research folk are estimating the market size in the US at 3.7 billion a year by 2012….and that number is hardware, software and ad revenues. I personally think that’s low but even so, extrapolate that out to a worldwide basis and let’s say it’s 10-20 times that and you’ve got 40-70 Billion dollar industry/year.

    There’s one or 2 other companies out there that might want a piece of that business and as Gerba writes Cisco and Google are some real names aside from all the no-names in the space

    I love Gerba’s “3rd grade” comment too – classic

  3. justme says:

    I have been folowing GSBC for a little while now. Why would steven Tung (patent holder of the screen FMCN (nasdaq) uses) transfer it over to GSBC if it were not but the real thing?

  4. screenmedia says:

    I’m not sure anyone doubts that this is a real company. Personally, I just think it harms the credibility of the industry when a little-known company makes extraordinarily fanciful revenue and market share projections. Even Cisco suggesting it was intending to corner the market would generate a “Yeah, right!” reaction from people who’ve been doing this for awhile.

  5. ken says:

    Well…U guys want to know more about GSBC.. If yes send me your e-mail to

  6. […] Jackson Walks In Front, Does The Thing Get Confused and Explode?This sort of thing doesn’t help …GSBC’s world domination looms GlobalShop: Day 2Swiss firm Neo Advertising lighting up in CarrefourHow do you compete with […]

  7. […] Posts Microsoft also chasing digital signage patentsGSBC’s world domination looms Shopcast finally, finally bags Wal-mart CanadaNew Samsung drives make solid state dreams a step […]

  8. […] Posts GSBC’s world domination looms Now GSBC really is calling meThis sort of thing doesn’t help …GSBC sends me crap I didn’t ask for […]

  9. Alpha says:

    Why is Ronald being kicked out of GSBC board of director?

  10. Andrew Lias says:

    Ron flynn is a fraud, i have known the guy for a long time, GSBC is a pump and dump scam! Trust me

  11. G Valuri says:

    This is for Andrew Lias, what proof do you have stating such things? You have gone public stating he is a fraud? You should be careful what you say, unless you have some evidence to back up your remark…

  12. jeff says:

    And he paid Steven $20k USD, what a deal????

    justme Says:

    February 21st, 2007 at 2:17 pm
    I have been folowing GSBC for a little while now. Why would steven Tung (patent holder of the screen FMCN (nasdaq) uses) transfer it over to GSBC if it were not but the real thing?

  13. John Baressi says:

    Ronald flynn is dirt. He lies, tricks, and steals money from decent people to fund his stolen ideas. In time you will all see the way i have! i lived with the guy! I hope he rots in hell and gets a disease from all the dirty hookers he sleeps with! We will NEVER forget what you did!

  14. jeff says:

    so what happened to paradise massage and atlantis hair salon? cannot manage a simple business in thailand?

    the thing i see is that a sms based signage technology cannot be proprietary except for the chip that is used in the graphics conversion, which is not that complicated in my mind. the thing i wondered about is how to concentrate a vast amount of display outputs through sms?

    ronald lied about displays on the BTS and many other things leading up to the GSBC launch…..but i did not invest so good luck to you who did!

  15. Alison says:

    what happened with the hair salons and massage businesses in Thailand? I think I have a friend who is investing with him. I have heard of the SMS stuff… Any advice?

  16. Dave Allan says:


  17. Dave Allan says:

    What is there ti say?

  18. […] can get a sense that here, and also a sense of what this is really all about […]

  19. says:

    Hello i would like to say wooooooooooow you guys sure talk about somebody who you have absolutely no clue who he really is well let me give you a little run down i have known Ron flynn for 25 years i have made big money with him it seems as everything he touches turns to gold and everthing around him tries to burn him well all i can say is this man has to deal with alot of shit for how good of a man he reaellly is he is very honest and trustworthy man and if i had one million i would put all of it and borrow 1 more million from the bank and bet on that he wins. Well i had to comment i cant stand seeing all this bullshit from these 9-5 office workers lol jk relax bye bye

  20. Rodger Dodger says:

    I invested in Golden Goal shares. These were supposed to be converted ti ISTN (?) which were converted into GSBC shares. I have never received a share certificate and come to the conclusion that I am the victim of a boilerhouse scam. All the publicity/announcements appear to me to be on well-dodgy news agency sites that I have never heard of.

    If anyone can tell me how to get my certificate, sell my shares or get my money back, please let me know.


  21. Ronyploff says:

    Don’t quarter
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  22. alex conray jr. says:

    Ronald flynn made me 1.3 million last year on a oil investment so stop with all the jealousy. he is a born winner!

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