Apple Lights Up 6K LED Wall Today At New 1 WTC Store
August 16, 2016 by Dave Haynes
Via TechCrunch …
Apple has opened a large store in New York’s new One World Trade Center retail space, and like other recent stores opened by the tech giant, this one features a large direct view LED wall.
The store just opened at noon, and there is a big 6K rez wall in one section of the store.
Apple is by no means unique in introducing large LED walls to their retail designs, but the company’s design decisions are highly influential – which is good news for LED manufacturers marketing these expensive fine pixel pitch walls.
This wall does not look as large as some of the others that have gone up in stores, but that may be a function of perspective.
Here’s a video of the store opening and the invariably strange routine of shoppers and staff applauding and cheering. Warning – starts with LOUD embedded ad.
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