InfoComm’s Speaker Line-Up Set for Digital Signage Summit
May 17, 2016 by Dave Haynes
The speaker line-up now seems to be in place for the Digital Signage Summit at InfoComm, being run by the German consultancy and event group Invidis Consulting.
The summit is on Tuesday, June 7th, from 8 AM (groan) to 3:30 PM, I think/assume/better find out that it is at the Las Vegas Convention Centre. I better find out because I am among the people speaking at the thing.
The line-up has plenty of familiar faces for the signage eco-system, but the audience is pro AV solutions providers and systems integrators, many who are still just at the learning or dabbling stage with digital signage, and mostly won’t know this mob (below).
The speakers include:
- Alan Brawn, Brawn Consulting
- Dave Haynes, The Preset Group
- Rich Ventura, NEC Display Solutions
- John Wang, IAdea Corporation
- Tom Nix, Scala
- Jeremy Gavin, Screenfeed
- Florian Rotberg, Invidis Consulting
I’ve not seen sign of an agenda/schedule as yet. Advance tickets are $499 USD for InfoComm members, $699 for non-believers. On-site tickets will be on sale for $899.
I dunno about the others, but I am going to use my mike time to talk about about how anyone who owns, runs, directs or bankrolls a signage project better have a clear sense of Why, or not even start the thing. I think it’s amazing that something so elemental needs to be talked about, but it does.
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