Badges In, Lanyards Ready, Labels Printed
February 25, 2015 by Dave Haynes
It’s less than two weeks out to DSE and to the annual Preset Group Mixer.
We’re now well over 300 in registrants, between people who signed up and sponsors who invited folks. The venue is all set, signed and insured. Most of the sponsor videos are done (using Spotomate!). And the postcard/sideline pass/badge thingies are in hand and Dymo labels done for registrants. We’ll have a printer on site to deal with name booboos, instead of scrawling with Sharpies.
With five whole work days in a row at world HQ (and not in some airport), some final touches are getting done. I’m going to DSE via LA the latter part of next week, and have some time for some meetings here and there if they make sense and are worthwhile. E-mail me.
Then the drive through the hills and desert to Las Vegas, and what looks to be a typically nutty few days. Happily, it starts with golf, though – trying out a shoulder that was damn near frozen much of last summer. It now seems to work, and I’m sure the bar cart will help keep it loose ;-]
Bil Trainor of Capital Networks has kindly put this together again, and last year was a blast.
There’s a mixer waiting list, but some spots have just been opened up this morning. So it doesn’t hurt to slap your name in there.
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